Laguna Santa Maria Del Oro - Mazatlan Mexico Drones
About three hours drive from Mazatlan is a quiet little town with a crystal blue lake. After you pass Tepic, take the first exit from the toll road, turn left, then follow the signs through the town of Santa Maria Del Oro and down the windy road that descends into the Volcano. The lake fills the dormant volcano and the locals say the depth has never been determined. It is designated as one of a handful of Blue Card lakes in Mexico which regulates the cleanliness of the water making it destination for all types of water sports. The trip is a perfect one-nighter with a variety of accommodations available. Make sure you try the pescado chicharrones and the fried bananas with ice cream at La Mata. When you head out stop at the waterfalls which will be much more spectacular if you go following the rainy season.
pescado chicharones
la mata fried bananas and ice cream